guiding principles & values
Clare Traveller CDC
Rationale and Approach
All programmes and actions in this plan are informed by the very strong conviction that much needed and urgent change for Travellers in Clare will come about only if Travellers themselves are at the centre of that change.

In practice, and in all of our work, this means we are committed to:
Involving, listening to and taking direction from Travellers in all our actions and decision-making.
Strengthening the collective voice and unity within the Traveller community – to jointly understand the causes of exclusion, to share ideas on how to tackle challenges, and to take a unified approach to bringing about change.
Creating a space for the celebration and promotion of Traveller culture and identity, as well as the deepening of cultural awareness in society generally. We are committed, at the same time, to protecting human rights, and to monitoring instances of discrimination and prejudice.
Building strong alliances. While remaining Traveller-led, we realise that we are stronger when we work in partnership with our allies – but we are committed to being directed by the needs of the Traveller community, not by the needs of service-providers.
Remaining informed at all times. We will engage in research, the monitoring of policies and trends. The results at all times will be used to define evidence-based solutions.
Ensuring that more excluded or marginalised members of our community are at all times involved and included in activities and decision-making.

The plan will guide Clare Traveller CDP in working towards change and the improvement of living conditions and life opportunities for members of the Traveller community. In doing so we are committed as an organisation to:
Building and supporting self-determination within the Traveller community.
Bringing forward solutions, and demonstrating how these solutions can benefit everyone.
Making alliances and building understanding with relevant groups and initiatives in the settled community.
Working continuously to build awareness and commitment around the causes of social problems and challenges we face in our community, while at the same time continuing with the work that is very necessary in dealing with the consequences on a day-to-day basis.
Working for Lasting Change: From the Inside Out
All of our programmes and actions will be informed by the four key principles as outlined (around Traveller leadership, equality of opportunity, and the right to cultural identity).
At the centre of all actions will be the principle of self-determination, as illustrated in the diagram.
Strategic Plan 2023
Download our Strategic Plan for more information
“Our aim is to improve living conditions, opportunities and achievement of human rights for Travellers in Clare. This will be pursued through establishing and strengthening local alliances and, most importantly, through building effective Traveller leadership and a strong Traveller voice”